You can use this icon maker to make a favicon.
Add the favicon to the proper directory or to the root of your site depending on your needs.
Web browsers should be able to pickup your favicon without adding these codes to your page if you place the favicon in the root of your site.
It can take awhile for the favicon to show some times.
Change the url's to match your site
Add this code to the header "Custom Markup" under "Your Shop".
<link href="favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon" />
<link href="http://progrower.coffeecup.com/favicon/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon" />
You can also use animated gifs for your favicon as I did on my shop.
<link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href="favicon/progrower.coffeecup.gif" >
<link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href="http://progrower.coffeecup.com/shopicon/progrower.coffeecup.gif" >
Note: If your using S-Drive for your shop you'll need to use the absolute method as you don't have access to any folders in your shop. Just add the favicon to a folder in the main S-Drive site that the shop is tied to. Give the folder that the favicon is in a unique name like shopicon so you can remember what its for when your working on the main site.